I'm a network engineer who owns and operates hundreds of Ubiquiti products across five states. I have almost every model of their EdgeRouter and EdgeSwitch products along with a dozen wireless access points and Unifi switches and controllers sitting here next to me right now. I'm tired of the shoddy software, the lack of support, and the toxicity and abuse from this company. Where do I even start? Ubiquiti is big on marketing, hype, and social media, but sad on support, updates, fixes, and improvements. Marketing of Ubiquiti products is often intentionally vague, and it can be difficult to figure out exactly what features are supported and what is being improperly implied. There's a huge number of undocumented hardware and software limitations, such as the ERX having a maximum routing throughput of 500Mbps, the ER12 being limited to 700Mbps in certain bridging and VLAN configurations, the ERPOE5's ports 3-5 performance issues because of it's switch, the ERPOE5 not having a VLAN aware switch, some devices are constantly running out of storage space (ERX), the ER-Lite's failing USB drives, and on and on and on and on and on. I've long suspected that Ubiquiti uses paid shills to post pictures of their products on twitter, facebook, and reddit. Some of their resellers are also strangely involved with the different communities and forums. Don't fall for the hype. Ubiquiti PoE usually isn't 802.3 standard. Some products are 802.3af/at/bt, some are passive 24V, some are passive 48V, some are passive 12V. Which product supports what? Who knows. Their marketing docs won't tell you. The community has raged about this many times so they finally made a FAQ article about it, but it's out of date and hasn't been updated in years, so some products are missing. Countless numbers of devices have been destroyed by plugging the wrong wireless access point into the wrong switch or power injector. There are significant disparities between what can be configured through the command line and what can be configured through the Web GUI. For example, OpenVPN has no GUI support at all, but is a highly used and advertised feature. Routing protocols are also very difficult or impossible to configure from the GUI. Troubleshooting from the GUI is almost impossible because there's no way to get many logs or output from status commands and counters. There are a significant number of configuration commands which are simply broken, resulting in errors such as "The specified configuration node is not valid" or "Set failed". Copy pasting to/from the serial console is not safe or reliable. Sometimes random characters will get lost and the configuration will get corrupted. Holding down the space bar while doing a "show configuration commands" will often result in garbage output. Early EdgeSwitch models didn't even come with a serial console port. Bonkers. Security issues abound. For example previous EdgeSwitch OS versions had hidden SNMP "public" writable community. It was over a year before they fixed it, and only when some news stories picked it up. Lots of unpatched security issues, privilege escalation exploits, and design problems. The official forum is toxic. Some time in 2018/2019 they replaced it and now it's even worse. Questions and comments are regularly censored and deleted. Most questions and bug reports go unanswered. The forum is where hope goes to die. Most models have no bootloader recovery method, and the "factory restore" procedure leaves custom files and confirmation on the device. A "factory reset" doesn't do a "factory reset". Committing configuration changes often takes 20-30 seconds, even on high-end models. Using punctuation when naming Port or Address Groups can cause serious bugs. EdgeRouter DDNS doesn't actually work. 48-port EdgeSwitch Lites failing en-mass. 48-port EdgeSwitches blowing power resistors and having other serious electrical problems. Unifi AC AP Lite being fried/burned while plugged into EdgeSwitches. The ER-Lite has a longstanding well-known unfixed problems with UDP packets being dropped/re-ordered/corrupted. Policy routing doesn't work, documentation abandoned. The vbash shell job control is broken. You can background a process with "&", but "jobs", "fg", and other job control commands are missing. I've had issues where disabling VLAN interfaces did not actually disable the interface and it was still running. Doing a "clear ip ospf process" doesn't actually restart the process. If a new interface is created, such as an IPSec VTI or ethernet VLAN/vif interface, OSPF will not begin advertising the new network, even if it has a network declaration statement. You can't create a firewall rule with multiple source and destination ports. There no 802.11ad/LACP support. The list of issues bugs and unfinished or non-existent features just goes on and on and on. Do yourself a favor and just buy something else.